Last week my first Pluralsight course was published. The course is titled “Introduction to UML” and it can be found here: Introduction to UML. The course covers some of the history of UML, the basic building blocks that are used by many diagrams and coverage of 8 common UML diagrams.
I have been using Pluralsight training for a few years and I highly recommend them – and not just because I am now an author! If you haven’t tried Pluralsight yet you need to head on over to their website and sign up for a free trial (or contact me and I’ll get you set up)!
I hope you will take the time to watch my video, if you do please let me know what you think. Also, if you have ideas for other Pluralsight courses that you would like to see me create please let me know.
I’m starting work on my next course and it should be available before the end of the year.