I have two general types of podcasts that I try to follow. The first type is focused on technology and the second on business and leadership. Below is a list of the business and leadership podcasts that I am currently trying to keep up with.
Please share any related podcasts that you have found and enjoy so I can check them out as well!
- Entreleadership: This is very focused on leadership with a particular slant towards entrepreneurs. I usually find this a very good show to listen to. They publish every two weeks and shows run about 30 minutes, so it is pretty easy to stay up to date. This is from Dave Ramsey’s organization – I know some people love him and some hate him… that will likely influence your liking of this podcast. He also as a book titled “EntreLeadership” which I also found very enjoyable. (http://www.daveramsey.com/entreleadership/podcast)
- The Chris LoCurto Show: I was first introduced to Chris LoCurto from the Entreleadership podcast – he was the original host. He later left the Dave Ramsey organization and went out on his own. Much of what he does in his new company appears to be focused on life plans and the pursuit of personal growth. The podcast typically focuses on such topics. I find it great for personal growth and leadership skills. Currently there are three episodes published each week, so it is a little harder to stay current on this one. Episodes typically range between 15 and 30 minutes. (http://chrislocurto.com/podcasts/)
- Startups For the Rest of Us: This podcast has a lot of information about startups and how to make them sustainable. It does have a technology theme, and covers ways to start and grow a business. Episodes are about 30 minutes long, and I only pick and choose which ones I listen to because of limited time, but I have found some value in them –for the entrepreneurial spirit. The show is published once a week. (http://www.startupsfortherestofus.com/)
- This Is Your Life with Michael Hyatt: I have just found this in the past couple of weeks and am trying it out. So far I have been pleased. Michael Hyatt published a book titled “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World” in 2012. I have not yet read the book, but it is now on my list. Michael and his co-host Michelle work well together and seem to be well prepared for each episode. Topics covered range from personal development and leadership to productivity. (http://michaelhyatt.com/thisisyourlife)
- Read to Lead: This is brand new to me. I found this just a couple of days ago and have just listened to my first episode. I went back to an older podcast to give it a test. I listened to episode 43 with Simon Sinek talking about his book “Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t”. I recently read this book (blog post with a review coming soon) and found it a great book! I figured this would give me some good insight into the podcast. I was pleased with my listen and plan to continue to give it a shot for at least a few more episodes. One thing I did not like about this show is the relatively long introduction – it seemed to take a long time to get to the meat of the show. (http://readtoleadpodcast.com/)
If you have a suggestion of an application for listening to podcasts at a fast playback speed on the Windows Phone please share.
As requested above please leave comments with a list of personal development, business or leadership podcasts that you listen to. I’d love some suggestions of others to try!
Watch for an upcoming post on the technical focused podcasts that I try to follow.
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